On 23.09.2004, at 23:36, Adam Sampson wrote:

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 08:32:53PM +0200, Erik Abele wrote:
Um, we still have http://www.mirror.ac.uk/mirror/ftp.apache.org/ and

Yes, but those don't point to us any more. mirror.ac.uk's now being run by a different organisation, who also have an Apache mirror; you'll probably want to list both.

Ah, my fault, I misunderstood your first message. I read it as the new ones should replace the old ones instead of being added...

Looks basically good but I'd be happier if the interface would display
the README/HEADER files instead of only pointing at them.
[plus more broken stuff]

OK -- I've updated our configuration so that it's using your preferred
options now (and disabled our archive browser for that mirror). Does
<http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.apache.org/> look all right to

Looks great now and I've added it to our list, thanks for your contribution!

Btw, you also indicated that you could update your mirror every six hours instead of only once per day. We'd actually prefer that ;) Thanks again.



Adam Sampson <http://offog.org/>
The UK Mirror Service <http://www.mirrorservice.org/>

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