
Our company have setup an http mirror of apache ( we already have an ftp mirror ). Here are the full details:

URL of mirror (HTTP) : http://apache.forthnet.gr
URL of mirror (FTP) : ftp://ftp.forthnet.gr/pub/www/apache/dist

Country where the mirror is located  : Greece / Athens
Contact email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Update frequency : Every 6 Hours
Rsync repository used : rsync.apache.org
Approximate bandwidth : 155 Mbps

I have followed the recommended configuration for my mirror (yes/no) : Yes

URL of Logo : http://ftp.forthnet.gr/images/FORTHnet_logo.gif

-- Best regards

Nick Katsamas
Systems Administration dpt.
Athens NOC - FORTHnet S.A.
Tel: (211)9558286

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