On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 10:50:09PM -0500, Rene Rivera wrote:
> jared r r spiegel wrote:
> >  this probably doesn't matter, but what if you just change the
> >  options to be a simple (rw) or (ro)?  perhaps those options
> >  only apply on the server side and are therefore not communicated
> >  over to the client, but .. ?
> Tried it, doesn't help :-(
> >  any chance of making the linux allow nfs v3 and trying that, 
> >  if only to see if you get the same error?
> I don't know how. There's nothing in the man pages that mentions the nfs 
> version, so my guess would be v2 is all it can do.
> Of course the most frustrating aspect of all this is that neither side 
> is very informative as to what is going on.

have you tried mounting it without the -2 argument?

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