eric wrote:
# newfs -m 1 /dev/wd1h
# mount /dev/wd1h /home/users
# df -k
/dev/wd1h    257268116  92122160 152282552    38%    /home

Five percent of /home would be a LOT of space that could be used for users.
Naturally, good system adminstration would want to use that space and have
the proper quotas/monitoring in place to alert when things get too close to
being full. 5% of even 10GB, IMHO, is wasted space.

I never used it, but looking at the man page, doesn't it say to use

 tunefs to set this properly instead?

Also from man 8 tunefs for the -m switch I see:

     -m minfree
       This value specifies the percentage of space held back from nor-
       mal users; the minimum free space threshold.  The default value
       used is 5%.  This value can be set to zero; however, a factor of
       up to three in throughput will be lost over the performance ob-
       tained at a 5% threshold.  Note that if the value is raised above
       the current usage level, users will be unable to allocate files
       until enough files have been deleted to get under the higher

Specially the "a factor of up to three in throughput..." would tell me not to play with it.

Don't get me wrong, I really don't know and never try to change the setting, but may be you may be able to do what you want by using the tunefs -m instead. Worth the try I think, but might be interesting to also do tests in performance to see if the saving of space is worth the degradation in performance the man page indicate it might have.

Hope this help some anyway...

Best regards,


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