Firstly, I have no problems starting kdm from the command line or
starting xdm from /etc/rc. However, if I start kdm from /etc/rc.local it
won't take any keyboard input and I don't get text when I attempt switch
virtual consoles (ctl-alt-del works to shutdown though). I get a some
sort of corruption in the form of a thin horizontal line near the top of
the screen when I attempt to switch virtual consoles. Also when I
shutdown with ctrl-alt-del the text from the boot up sequence is
corrupted (repeated chars llliiikeee ttthiisss).

I see these clues in /var/log/Xorg.log:

(EE) KbdOn: tcsetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wsmouse
     broken pipe
(EE) KbdOn: tcsetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device

These aren't there when I start kdm from a shell prompt.

The mouse does function however.

I am using a recent snapshot (Jun 20). Any ideas?


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