> On Sunday 10 July 2005 06:13 pm, Steve Shockley wrote:
> > Qv6 wrote:
> > > I have set up an OBSD firewall to replace my PIX, and configured it
> > > to log to an OBSD log server - a loghost. I'll like to set up a web
> > > interface to monitor the logs using msyslog (with mysql and php).
> > > Has anyone on this list done something similar and if so, what
> > > syslog utility did you use.
> >
> > I used syslog-ng and a very modified php-syslog-ng.  I wanted to use
> > postgresql, and started out thinking I'd just convert php-syslog-ng
> > to use pgsql, but then found a bunch of bugs and holes, and some
> > *really* bad HTML.  I fixed it up, fixed most of the bugs, and used
> > Pear DB for the database interface so it's not database-specific.

I'm also using mysql, syslog-ng and a slightly modified php-syslog-ng.
It works nicely, though provided enough time there are a lot of
changes to php-syslog-ng I'm thinking of setting up, in particular to
give me all kinds of spiffy reports cutting out all the cruft our
Windows domain likes to spit out.


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