On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 02:31:23 -0500
Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Fine, so you don't like Cisco.
No sane person *likes* Cisco gear.

>  Substitute Raptor or Juniper or some other 
> product that can do basic Inter-VLAN routing at 100,000 packets/second
> in even their low end products,

Dude, there are no "low-end" systems that reach anything even remotely close
to 100kpps, especially not Cisco ones. That's why they're called *low-end*.

>  That doesn't change the facts, just the
> brand name, the hue of the case, and maybe the reseller's profit margin.

The fact is that most other vendors make better gear for less price (with
the exception of Huawei...ugh). That changes the playing field quite 

> Regardless of whether you use the walks-on-water SysKonnect cards or
> "crappy" $470 Intel quad-EM cards, OpenBSD on i386 barely approaches
> half that rate, when doing nothing more than routing packets from one
> interface to another (but I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this).

(see Henning's reply)

> but I wouldn't
> try to sell my boss on replacing the big 6500 core routers with a couple of
> OpenBSD machines stuffed full of PCI-X cards.

That's exactly what some companies make and sell only it's FreeBSD and not 

> IOW, if the question is "How do I transfer packets as quickly as possible
> from one broadcast domain to another, without any thought for security?",
> maybe the answer shouldn't be "OpenBSD".

...then again maybe it is.

Lars Hansson

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