--- b h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 07:30:52 -0700 (PDT)
> From: b h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: missing: ./etc/acpi
> To: Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> misc@openbsd.org
> --- Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --On 24 July 2005 14:25 -0700, b h wrote:
> > 
> > > Checking special files and directories.
> > > Output format is:
> > >         filename:
> > >                 criteria (shouldbe, reallyis)
> > > missing: ./etc/acpi
> > 
> > Check you have updated /etc/mtree files from
> > /usr/src/etc and have run 
> > mtree (right near the end of 
> > <http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade37.html>).
> > 
> > Since you have a file in /dev on one machine and
> not
> > the other, also 
> > check you have run MAKEDEV.
> > 
> I took your suggestions and ran both the mtree and
> MAKEDEV lines on both machines, and rebooted, and
> still, only one has the acpi device.
> secondly, I am also very diligent at running the  cd
> /usr/src/etc && env DESTDIR=/ make distrib-dirs line
> during every upgrade
> and lastly the machine that has the device node (but
> also gives me the error), was installed fresh
> (reformatted) from a snapshot on or around June 8,
> and
> -following-current (post 3.7 instructions) does not
> mention anything about devices or updates regarding
> acpi to /etc for i386.
> so, for the other machine that is "missing" the
> /dev/acpi... I had installed from a snap
> (reformatted)
> I think in the middle of 3.6 and 3.7, and I thought
> I
> also was very diligent with my upgrading, keeping
> current within a week or so, doing all the
> -following-current instructions etc.).  For good
> measure, this morning I copied over the mtree from
> etc3.7.tgz and ran it.  then upgraded all my src via
> cvs again (updates since yesterday), and reran all
> the
> steps, making GENERIC, make obj, make build, that
> make
> distrib-dirs line, etc....  (and like I said
> earlier,
> I had run MAKEDEV).  the whole deal, and still, no
> acpi device.
> so, both machines work perfectly, (even though I am
> getting that insecurity mail about missing) but it
> bothers me I don't know what machine is currently in
> the proper state, whether that device should
> actually
> be there or not, 
> any other ideas?
> thanks
> b

I still got the missing file in my daily report every
day.  I looked on the cvsweb, and I can't find (unless
I'm using it wrong) any mention of an /etc/acpi file
or directory at all!  Where would this message have
came from? But besides that prob...

On my other machine, expanding out base3.7 from
release and copying MAKEDEV over to /dev and running
"MAKEDEV all" does not create the acpi device... 
however, copying over the one from the most recent
snapshot does.

so, following the normal src compile instructions, (as
referenced here:
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Bld, especially
the line that says "If building -current: Update /dev
and /etc, with the changes listed in current.html.")  

However looking at
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html, there are no
mention of the new dev.

I can only assume that something is missing.  Is there
more missing from this file (especially since I
receive the missing ./etc/acpi error)


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