On 8/4/05, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/5/05, Scott Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 8/4/05, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I would like to set a obsd and soekris boxes as a server for about 100 
> > > users.
> > > This box is supposed to handle NIS + Kerberos.
> > >
> > > Does such configuration can handle the task ? I mean on a performance 
> > > matter.
> > > Does anybody have such configuration?
> I am not asking jus ton OpenBSD, but a combination of OBSD and
> Soekris. I am considering using OpenBSD+soekris for this task: (NIS
> and Kerberos) because i believe this type of service to be light for
> the amount of users i have to handle.
> Any other services will be handle by other hardware, like the NFS, web
> and the like. For now, let's just consider NIS and Kerberos on OBSD
> 3.7 and soekris.
> My concern is whether i could use OBSD with soekris. I could for
> instance use QNX with an embed NIS and kerberos to achieve paramount
> performance even on such a modest hardware and no other OS i known
> could beat. But, again, i would like to stay with OBSD.


Soekris are small x86 machines. There is no reason it shouldn't work,
openbsd doesn't need graphics or sounds. If you look on the soekris
site, they list openbsd as one of the OSes that their hardware is
designed for. You'll need a null modem cable, tip (or minicom,
hyperterminal, whatever your flavor is), bootp, etc. But I can confirm
it works fine, I have a couple of them.

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