> -----Original Message-----
> Diana Eichert
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:08 AM
> To: Miscellaneous OBSD
> Subject: Re: 3.8 beta requests
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Damien Miller wrote:
> > Remember that most of the developers run -current throughout the
> > development cycle (often in production).
> >
> > -d
> and Theo get's really pissed off when someone breaks the tree so it
> compile and/or the change creates disfunction in other parts of the
> system, just read some of Theo's comments in the CVS list sometime.
> g.day

In the end, quality control happens through selfish testing.  The
OpenBSD community doesn't evenly divide up the things to test.  People
test their own setups.  I'm not concerned with making OpenBSD stable.
I'm concerned with making i386 OpenBSD running Mambo stable.  The
wonderful thing about a participatory development process is that
everyone's overlapping needs generally test the system fairly well.

The real problem is people who encounter a problem and fail to report
it.  They just think "this is crap" and go on to something else.

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