Plant a Tree Today[IMAGE]

Called ashvattha in Sanskrit, the peepal (Ficus religious) is a very
large tree. Its bark is light grey, smooth and peels in patches. Its
heart-shaped leaves have long, tapering tips. The slightest breeze makes
them rustle. The fruit is purple when ripe.

The peepal is the first-known depicted tree in India: a seal discovered
at Mohenjodaro, one of the cities of the Indus Valley Civilisation (c.
3000 BC - 1700 BC), shows the peepal being worshipped. During the Vedic
period, its wood was used to make fire by friction.

The peepal is used extensively in Ayurveda. Its bark yields the tannin
used in treating leather. Its leaves, when heated in ghee, are applied to
cure wounds.

To know more about this tree, click here.

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