hmm, on Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 07:55:26PM -0300, Pedro Martelletto said that
> No, I don't, but that's simply not needed. Just a note saying "I was
> running OpenBSD version X, kernel dated Y, on an environment Z, and
> suddenly everything was gone" would be a start.

so which part of the referenced mail you don't understand?
let me see:
openbsd version:  check
kernel dated: check
environment: check
instructions to repeat (even though somewhat vague,
what can you do, it's the nature of the bug): check

> And you seem to be able to send mail...
> What is a totally pathetic posture is to stay in silence and hope your
> problems are going to get fixed magically. Or do you believe in
> miracles? Or did you light up a candle and sang kumbaya, danced naked
> in a circle or...? Because no divinity appeared to me (yet) saying I
> should fix your problem. Perhaps you should try harder?

silence?  the fat32 implementation gets mails every once in a while.
it is certainly not something you have to look for with extra
effort in "every single mailing list".

and yes, silence it is, because every time someone brings up
hey, something is wrong with fa32, ted says, oh yes, might
result in badness.  well, what CAN you do?  wiser people than
me tried to pinpoint the problem and failed.
so yes, it is silence after a while.  especially where shut
up and code is the motto.

> Like your files are more important than anyone else's. Like your files
> are more important than my files. Give me a break.

my files are certainly much more important for me than to you,
or your files at all for that matter.  give me a break.
and i have like nothing else to do but backup my x gigs every
day because fat32 in openbsd might hose my files on a file system
which is more than 20 years old and looked down upon as primitive.

> Before I have the courtesy of fixing your problems, could you please
> leave your ego for a second, and realize you're just plain wrong?

look, your first mail was really friendly, and i know i reacted
improperly.  it was not against your person and i hope you didn't
take it personally, i certainly didn't mean it.

one word: frustration.
it's just that it's the foul year of our lord 2005 and fat32
is not mature in openbsd.

> Oh, right. You can mail misc@, but you can't mail bugs@ -- and yet you
> do know how to send bug reports. I guess you do make a lot of sense as
> well?

the reason why i didn't send that particular mail (or any other mail
about fat32) to bugs@ is simple.  even though i tried to give as
much info as i could i still did not think it was a proper bug
report.  and it seems, many devs read misc/tech and it's happened
a lot of times that they get heads up about an issue on the mailing
list, and maybe later a "proper" bug report is filed.  the subtle
nature of these sometimes difficult to reproduce bugs was the sole
reason i posted only to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

to refuse to decide is a decision.

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