Justin Wong wrote:
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.
Some of these files are photographs of my now deceased grandfather
and are very important.

After some disasters here, although in my/our case caused by human errors, I have written two programs that scans a file of choice for
1) avi files
2) jpeg files

It can scan any file, be it a image file, disk image, or the disk device itself (e.g. /dev/rwd0c). The script will only be able to restore images and movies that are located sequentially (non-fragmented) on disk, and may therefore miss some images/movies, as well as "find" invalid ones.

I have successfully tested the script on two occations, but that was on msdos (and possibly ntfs) file systems. I have not tested it on an ffs file system.

So, if you can get another installation of openbsd running, and manage to get the disk device (e.g. /dev/rwd1c), or ripped disk image, readable by any means, then I can probably help you retrieve many, if not most, but probably not all, jpg's and avi's.

Be aware that all images, including previously deleted but not yet overwritten ones, may be retrieved. :-)

The file names are obviously not restored either, so some sorting is to be done afterwards. I have a script that can help you with some of that too, if you need it. :)

Good luck!


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