frantisek holop wrote:

hmm, on Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 07:15:26AM -0800, Szechuan Death said that
Yup, looks like.  Sorry, Charlie.  Take a flight to Taipei and snuff
a spammer or scriptkiddie, if everybody does that TW can be put back on
the "Civilized Net Nation" list.  Arguments that US contains the most
spam lords will be directed to /dev/null, I invite anybody who wants to

what i can't really understand is, why bother making a tool like
this, if you are afraid that it is going to be used, or that someone
will ssh scan you from taiwan?  so let's just block all the non us
countries or what?

I'm not afraid that it's going to be used.  I _want_ it to be used,
I never suggested otherwise.  I'm not blocking "non-US" countries, I'm
blocking "shitholes".  The more people blackhole shitholes, the better
off the world is in the long run, this provides shitholes with an
incentive to no longer be shitholes.  ("What do you mean, I can't
download the latest Britney video?  DAAAAAAADDDDD, the neighborhood
spammer is making my Internet stop again!"  "All right, honey.  Grab
the machete, let's go take out that guy on the corner who sells penis
pills.  When he's gone, the network will come back.")  I choose to block
some places.  The rest may be blocked or not at my leisure.  The tool
makes that ooooohhhhh so easy.  I wish I had a way to break it down
into U.S. states (Florida would be GONE, another notorious shithole),
but can't do that w/o reference to ARIN's WHOIS "secret sauce" database.
We'll see how it goes.  Don't hold your breath for that one.

I made it because I'm a "scorched earth" kind of a guy.  I have received
enough SSH scans, spams, and other miscellaneous malicious traffic from
certain countries that I simply do not care to hear anything else from
them, ever again.  I am this close >< to blocking some of the Eastern
European countries, they irritate me.

if you are afraid of the big bad internet, turn off your machine.

See, astonishingly enough, from any of those netblocks, it appears that
that is precisely what I have done.  Amazing, huh?

I think you need a serious education about what rights you actually
have.  I do not _have_ to listen to or respond to any traffic from
anybody, the end.  I respond to whom I choose.

you know, smtp and ssh do not use port 80....
maybe you could open it up.  the horror, the horror.

I was afraid this might happen.

See, here's the problem:  I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK IS 'REASONABLE'.

It is *my* network connection.  I have determined that these countries
do not carry traffic worth listening to, that the costs of listening
to them (time, energy, frustration, money, etc.) exceeds the costs of
not doing so.  Fiat obscurum.[1]  I have also determined that it is not
worth removing those blocks for the purpose of this project, since I do
not plan to host it longer than I absolutely have to.  I am merely
developing this resource, I do not possess the resources to host it
myself past "initial development/beta" stage.  If you would like to
host it on a "We Are The World"-enabled host, by all means, feel free,
I'd love to get it on a decent connection.  If there are people out
there in TeeVeeLand from those countries who have a clue and are
interested in viewing it, as I said, use Tor or another proxy not
inside one of those netblocks.  I do value your input, but not enough
to grab my ankles.  Sorry.  Thank your countrymen.

Yes, I am an asshole.  Yes, I am sorry for the clued who live in these
benighted countries, I am sympathetic to their plight.  No, I am not
sympathetic enough to unblock these places.  Yes, I do recommend staking
spammers and scriptkiddies to fix this problem instead, for a variety
of ethical and aesthetic reasons.  Until the happy Day of the Stake,
however, I will continue blocking these countries until they begin
acting in aggregate like human beings on the Internet.

If you have any useful comments about other aspects of the Metastore,
on the other hand, feel free to let me know.  This one is a non-starter,

(c) 2005 Unscathed Haze via Central Plexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am Chaos.  I am alive, and I tell you that you are Free.  -Eris
Big Brother is watching you.  Learn to become Invisible.
|-------- Your message must be this wide to ride the Internet. --------|

[1]  Me no speak Latin good.  Someone want to provide the proper Latin
for "Let there be dark"?

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