On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 10:38:45AM -0500, Steve Johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some issues with network connectivity on a system. When doing
> netstat -ns, I get a lot of errors with missed PCB cache, drops due to no
> socket. I have already increased the TCP and UDP send and receive space up
> to 262144, but the error counters are still increasing. One of the highest
> impacts is a lot of false positive alerts in our monitoring system since
> this generates a lot of errors with the SNMP monitoring, which has a lot of
> high rate UDP bursts.

What makes you believe that the PCB cache and send and receive space have
anything in common?
TCP and UDP send and receive space have absolutly no influence on the
number of missed PCB.
The missed PCB cache is not an error. It just a counter telling when no
PCB has been found for the incomming packet based on the src/dst IP and
port. In other words new connections will always increase this counter (as
will port scans).
For UDP it is probably even more common since in most cases recvfrom() and
sendto() is used and so the first lookup will always fail and a lookup in
the list of listening PCB needs to be done.
The "dropped due to no socket" counter will tell you how many packets are
dropped because nothing was listening on that port. The 1-mio pesos
question is why there is no socket listening on that port.

> The systems are a pair of Dell 1950s with dual Xeon 5130 2GHz CPUs and the
> network cards are Intel PRO/1000 PT (82571EB). The running version is 4.8
> GENERIC.MP#335 amd64. All they are doing is routing and filtering with PF
> and PFSync.

I don't get it. Are you running the SNMP server on the firewall or are you
just forwarding traffic on the firewall and some of it gets dropped?
PCB lookups do not matter when doing just routing and filtering with PF.
PCB lookups are only used for local connections.

> Any idea what else I could tweak or modify to rectify these errors? Let me
> know if there is anything else that I should include to provide additional
> information.

I guess your problem is somewhere else. Is it possible that pf runs out of

:wq Claudio

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