Hello Moritz,

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Moritz Grimm <mgmlist...@mrsserver.net> wrote:
> The IPv6 setup (broken):

Have you tried pinging the local interface first? Does ping ::1 works?
Then does ping fe80:xxx (replace by output of your interface) works?

> The IPv6 network is supposed to be 2a01:4f8:110:4363::/64, the gateway
> is 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1/59. So again there's the aliases in
> /etc/hostname.re0 ...

Can you ping the gateway?

Also, showing us a full ifconfig might be good.

> inet6 alias 2a01:4f8:110:4363::42 64

How did you assign this? Did they or did you?

> !route add -inet6 -iface -ifp re0 -net 2a01:4f8:110:4360:: -prefixlen 59
> 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1

Same question here, if they are using ra, i  doubt your routing
gateway will actually be 2a01, more likely to be fe80:xxxx

> $ ping6 ipv6.google.com

Start with internal diagnosis first, then worry about reaching the
outside world.

Try this: tracepath6 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1

In my case, the trace reached with a final result of:

2a01:4f8:110:4360::1                                 56.566ms reached
Resume: pmtu 1480 hops 13 back 50

Whereas your assigned IP (2a01:4f8:110:4363::42) did not.


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