Hi Todd,

> Have you tried ping6 -n ff02::2%re0 ? Does anyone respond?  Try using
> the respond(ers) as your IPv6 default gateway.
> Link local is best for IPv6 gateways for various reasons, if your upstream
> isn't picky (unlike he.net tunnels, for example).

Awesome, this almost works! :-)

When doing it like that, I get to replace the inet6 default route with
an fe80::...%re0 address, and to remove the "-inet6 -iface -ifp re0"
route altogether. Afterwards, I have full -- but temporary -- IPv6

This setup does not survive a reboot. It is strange, but only *after*
ping6ing ff02::2%re0 I get to use the responder as a gateway. I assume
this is because until then, it's not in the ndp table. So ... ping6
would have to become part of my networking setup. Huhhh.

This is also completely against upstream's documentation, as these fe80
gateway addresses might be subject to change. I guess, for all intends
and purposes, my upstream is picky and I'm really supposed to use the
public IPs.

Is there a reason why

 # route add -inet6 -iface -ifp re0 -net 2a01:4f8:110:4360:: -prefixlen
59 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1
 # route add -inet6 default 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1

does not work (as opposed to the equivalent in IPv4)?

Thank you, this already was a huge step forward for me.


> | The IPv6 network is supposed to be 2a01:4f8:110:4363::/64, the gateway
> | is 2a01:4f8:110:4360::1/59.

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