On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Rod Whitworth wrote:

>On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 15:10:02 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>>I've turned on OpenBSD 4.9 pre-orders.  Support us by buying something
>>please.   These sales are a part of keeping the project going.
>>As for clothing... there's going to be a black hoodie this time.
>>Of course there is an OpenBSD 4.9 song to go with the new artwork.
>>That is at:
>>     http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html
>Hey guys,
>usually when Theo puts out the pre-order message there is a flood of
>messages about who has ordered what and, although it's no genuine race,
>there are many who kinda compete to be first.
>I'm #13 so twelve guys beat me and they aren't even boasting. WTF?

I'm probably one of them, but I've no idea how many others were ahead of
me (the only info I've got is the date/time in the order number --

I got in early because I saw the commit of the order page and ordered
before seeing Theo's post; I always order the CDs as soon as I can.

My thanks to all involved for their hard and high-quality work.


>Only two related messages on undeadly.org
>C'mon don't you like your new CDs and swag?
>Order up!
>The song's pretty good too and it's free to download.

Dave Anderson

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