
Hey you guys are going to bump up the default and enable bigmem as
default too? :) Is it scheduled for this hackathon?


Thanks, I will look into that. Undeadly is good.

> OK,
> I may be way off track and totally wrong here, but isn't that worked Bob did
> may be two hacketon ago and the bufcache isn't limited to 10% anymore, but
> goes all the way to 90%.
> My memory may be failing me big time, but I clearly remember him acting up a
> lots on the buffer cache in OpenBSD and there was actually very funny
> comments at that hacketon including some developers saying the eared like
> girls high pitch scream or something. (;>
> May be was the wrong work, but I clearly remember that being Bob screaming
> as well based on the feedback.
> Way to lazy to find reference to in on undeadly, but I believe that's
> possibly what Henning is suggesting to you.
> Again unless I am way off and that's really possible, OpenBSD do not use
> only 10% buffer cache for some time now and thanks to Bob for that!
> But again, may be I put my foot in my mouth once more. (;>
> Best,
> Daniel

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