On 19 April 2011 03:17, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
> But without CD and tshirt sales, other parts of the project are in
> trouble -- the things that are more difficult to fund out of
> "donations".

In the past I've stuck to ordering the CD set as the homepage states
that tshirt and poster sales do not fund the project. Is this no
longer the case for tshirts?

The only other thing that puts me off buying tshirts is that I've run
into difficulty with North American tshirt sizes in the past. I've
been unable to find detailed sizing informaion (length, chest etc.)
and it'd be a disappointment to order a tshirt that I couldn't make
use of.

> I am only a part of the CD sales money.  CD sales money keeps the
> electrons flowing through cvs.openbsd.org.  Trust me, it is critical.

Do older CD releases fund the project in the same way that newer CD
sets do? Ordering a bunch of older releases for my bookshelf (perhaps
not 2.4!) is another way I'd consider contributing to the "money" pot.

Likewise, there are many older posters and a couple of tshirts that
I'd snap up if they still fund the project in the same way.

I'm asking this as I've no idea what your agreements with your
distributors are (nor do I care); I'd just like the comfort of knowing
that any money I spend is funding the project in the way I

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