hmm, on Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 02:45:44PM +0000, Kevin Chadwick said that
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:36:45 +0200
> frantisek holop wrote:
> > on every debian i have to use, 'sudo apt-get install pdksh' is the first
> > thing i do, the second being 'scp {.profile,.kshrc} debian:'
> I was going to replace the link from /bin/sh to dash with pdksh but I'm
> guessing something somewhere will break!!

i imagine linux scripts often being full of bashims, so moving to dash
must have meant for the debian people to go through their tree to get
rid of those.  in which case replacing dash with pdksh for system
scripts could be fine.

but why complicate stuff?  i change just my user's shell and stick to
writing portable scripts -- in this case pdksh vs dash seems like a non
issue to me.

architecture is the art of how to waste space.

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