I'm curious,

    there seems to be some unwritten rule that users (not to be confused
with developers) are not allowed to ask whether certain things are
supported in OpenBSD or when these items are likely to be available, in
particular this seems to be on the misc@ mailing list. The openbsd site

    The Mailing Lists

      General Interest Lists

These lists are of interest to most users of OpenBSD.

    User questions and answers, general questions. This is the most
    active list. Please, read the FAQ
    <http://openbsd.org/faq/index.html> and the installation documents,
    and see How to report a Problem <http://openbsd.org/report.html>
    before posting.

So where does one post questions *after* having read the FAQ etc

If I was a developer I'd be posting to the tech@ list woudln't I.

Theo ?

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