On 2011-06-02 13.36, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> Thinking about this. I'm not saying that this implies *OpenBSD*
> changed its calculaton. As Theo pointed out, other kernels have
> changed what they report to the "load" tool. So that shifts the
> measure on other kernels. Perhaps he took this personally.

Theo is hardly the one who's taken things personally in this

I for one have seen the darned load average being misunderstood
so incredibly often over the years, that seeing it being almost
inexplicably abused by so many otherwise well-educated unix-
literate people for sure makes it personal to *ME*.

And while it's undeniably hard to correct people who may have had
this misconception their entire careers, it has to be done.

This is so deeply rooted, and has been the cause for so much bad
advice that the implications for those misinformed are of course
hard to grasp. Denial is a word that comes to mind, but it is so
easy to set the record straight - just read the damn code.

Now, can we move on please? If anyone feels they've given bad
advice in the past due to this debacle, learn from it and don't
do it again. :-)


internetlabbet.se     / work:   +46 8 551 124 80      / "Words must
Benny Lvfgren        /  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90     /   be weighed,
                    /   fax:    +46 8 551 124 89    /    not counted."
                   /    email:  benny -at- internetlabbet.se

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