On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 04:25:53AM -0700, lancebaynes87 wrote:
> This is starting to get funny. 

Way ahead of you.

> The worlds most secure os, and it doesn't have any docs regarding the 
> different versions security support time.

There is no 'security' support time. There is 'support time' and
'unsupported'. Which are clearly outlined in the FAQ entries already
pointed out to you.

> How long does a version get's security support? 

There is no 'security' support time. There is 'support time' and

> If I install a version of OpenBSD then when do I have to upgrade to a fresher 
> version??

Never. There are many people out there proudly still running 2.x
installs. Crasy people, sure, but OpenBSD doesn't hunt them down
and force them to upgrade. Some even use this oddity called source
code to apply their own selection of fixes.

> E.g.:
> If I install OpenBSD 4.9 on it's release date, then when do I have to upgrade 
> to 5.0?? (so that there is no more patches for 4.9, so I have to install 5.0)

You don't have to install anything. And if you upgrade only when
you 'have' to, I recommend you track -current, which has a clear
requirement that if you haven't upgraded today, you are no longer
running -current. Thus you 'have' to upgrade every day.

.... Ken

> thanks.

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