The easiest (if not perhaps the cheapest) solution is virtualisation.
Use VMWare ESXi/VMWare Server/Xen or Qemu. Alternatively if you have
more cash, run VMWare Workstation which includes the ability to record
the state of a machine and then play it backwards to track down
especially tricky bugs.

On 25/07/2011, Tomas Vavrys <> wrote:
> Well, I haven't chosen word "break" wisely, instead I meant "I don't
> want to reinstall my PC for work (different OS). I rather need new pc
> for my personal use at home.
> Anyway, thank you for your responses. I have got a better picture now
> and as Nick said I will try several architectures, my original
> intention was to learn more about microprocessors at low level.
> 2011/7/25 Nick Holland <>:
>> On 07/24/11 07:27, Tomas Vavrys wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am looking for a new cheap PC for assembly learning purposes,
>>> because I don't want to break my current workstation.
>>> I was thinking about
> oducts/CFL-006
>>> but I am a little bit worried about current status "All on-board
>>> devices are supported, but the framebuffer is currently limited to the
>>> 640x400x8 video mode set up by the firmware." What is the status in
>>> -current at the moment?
>>> This device will be used only for my learning purposes. I would like
>>> to jump on C and compilers later. Is it better to start with RISC or
>>> CISC? Should I buy rather x86?
>> "yes"
>> I'm assuming you mean "assembly language", not putting hardware
>> together...
>> If so, what's your purpose? B Learning a particular assembly language?
>> In which case, you get a machine of the exact type you plan to be coding
>> for.
>> If you are after the more generic "learning microprocessors at a low
>> level", you need SEVERAL, really. B Its a bit like learning a human
>> language, I suspect (while I learned many different processors Way Back
>> When, I'm hopelessly monolingual in the human world, but I've heard
>> multi-lingual people tell me this) -- Learn one, you know one barely.
>> Learn two, the third and later come quickly and easily, and you learn a
>> lot more about your first.
>> The good news is you don't need to buy new hardware. B For anything you
>> are likely to do for the near term, the slowest processor will assemble
>> code and run rapidly for you.
>> So, get yourself a PII or PIII for x86, a sparc and a sparc64, an amd64
>> system (this one you probably have to pay for), and a mac68k (we're
>> bringing that port back. B I don't think I can fully answer "why").
>> Nick.

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