I was just curious if any of the developers (or experts) would care to 
articulate officially >:}


On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, William Bloom wrote:

> The PF queueing FAQ page at http://www.openbsd.org has a wealth of info that
> seems to nicely clarify the pf.conf man page.  I recall that the FAQ contains 
> an
> example much as you describe (as I recall, specifying a queue for -incoming-
> traffic will indeed cause that traffic to be processed through the named queue
> as it is -outgoing-).
> Bill
> Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
>> Would anyone like to elaborate on the impacts of using "keep state" on
>> conjunction with pass rules that assign traffic to queues?
>> One might assume that inverted traffic flows would also be queued,
>> however that would break the "traffic can only be queued egress an
>> interface" rule...
>> There should be some remarks on this in pf.conf(5)
>> TIA,
>>     ~BAS
> -- 
> William Bloom| Snr Systems Engineer|M P H A S I S Architecting Value | 
> Eldorado
> Computing
> 5353 North 16th Street, Suite 400 Phoenix, Az 85016 | Direct: 
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