Jason Dixon wrote:

<snip self-serving vitriol>

Good luck with that MetaStore thing. I'm sure it's going to be a huge success.

Thank you, although the goal is not that it be a "success" for me,
but rather that it will provide useful information to OpenBSD users
and assistance to the OpenBSD development team in negotiating with
vendors.  I wish you luck in your endeavors as well.  Again, if you
would like to provide any information about hardware that can be
purchased new, or suggestions about the design, feel free to submit
them to me or post them via the Web form.  Have a nice day!

(c) 2005 Unscathed Haze via Central Plexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am Chaos.  I am alive, and I tell you that you are Free.  -Eris
Big Brother is watching you.  Learn to become Invisible.
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