You wrote:

> And how do they sound now, completely different, if the 'correct'
> spelling is prvilege and despite that many still use priviledge (even

You can't even spell or type a coherent email, how do you dare to argue?

> some publishers) because it is more intuitive, then which is
> more correct, the practice or the theory.

That's a load of rubbish. Doing something wrong because others do it just
makes you a meme, it doesn't make you right. You're a great arrogant,
know-nothing son of a bitch.

> English evolves every day

I think you meant devolves. Judging from your writing, it has definitely
devolved. Your English is so atrocious it's hard to imagine you've got the
nerve to be arguing on this topic. Spelling, grammar, these sorts of things
obviously mean nothing to you. Your post is a disgrace. It really affirms
that study that found people who are incompetent are the least likely to
realize the depth of it. They were talking about you pal.

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