On 10 October 2011 12:38, Stefan Midjich <sweh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Simplest of things but I'm failing miserably.
> $ sudo cat /etc/hostname.vic2 # External NIC with static public IPv4 address
> inet
> $ sudo cat /etc/hostname.vic3 # Internal NIC used as gateway by two
> machines on same network
> inet
> For troubleshooting I have removed the block all rule, to confirm that
> it is in fact my NAT related rules that don't work.
> These are my first and only NAT rules. The other rules work fine and
> are just to allow SSH to my management interface and ICMP response
> from the external IP and from the internal gateway IP. Besides I've
> removed the block all so the other rules don't matter much now.
> match out on vic2 inet from to any nat-to (vic2) round-robin
> pass inet from to any flags S/SA keep state
> With tcpdump I can see packets going to vic3, but no further.
> With block all commented out I can fully test the network around and
> everything is working just fine, I can nc -kl 65535 and
> connect to that port from anywhere on the internet. I just can't
> connect out from the private network through the gateway. The systems
> in the private network have as their default gateway.
> I even have the Book of PF 2nd edition here but it's of no use, the
> rules are mostly from there. Just for troubleshooting I can also nc
> -kl 65535 on the gateway and connect to that port from
> the private network machines without issues.
> So please tell me, what am I missing in this nat-to rule?

Hi, can you paste your pf.conf ?
The output of ifconfig would be good too.

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