match out on egress inet from vic3:network nat-to (egress:0)

This is the new rule then, as it appears in pfctl -v

match out on egress inet from to any nat-to (egress:0)

vic2 is only NIC in egress group in ifconfig.

nc -vv 25 from does not connect even
though there is no block rule now.

2011/10/10 Christiano F. Haesbaert <>:
> On 10 October 2011 15:05, Stefan Midjich <> wrote:
>> That was from the output of pfctl -vf /etc/pf.conf so it expands the
>> rules and adds all that is implied, like keep state for example.
> I think that is not what you want:
> match in on vic3 inet from to any label "NATOut"
> nat-to (vic2) round-robin
> You want to match packets going out your external interface, and then
> nat-to the external interface address, so try something like:
> match out on vic2 inet from 10.221/181.0/24 nat-to (vic2)
> Considering vic2 as your external interface.


Med vdnliga hdlsningar / With kind regards

Stefan Midjich

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