On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:30:10PM -0700, Raymond Lillard wrote:
> ...All seems to have went well, it is still rebuilding, but
> in checking status I see no serial in the status output.
> Should the "serial" number contain the duid?  Is this
> expected or did I miss something?  Maybe the "serial"
> relates to hardware raid?
> # bioctl -hv sd2
> Volume      Status               Size Device
> softraid0 0 Rebuild              458G sd2     RAID1 20% done
>           0 Online               458G 0:0.0   noencl <sd0d>
>                                                  'unknown serial'
>           1 Rebuild              458G 0:1.0   noencl <sd1d>
>                                                  'unknown serial'

Regardless of rebuilding, this has been my experience.  The DUID is 
a component of the disklabel.  You will see it in your dmesg, and if
you match it in your fstab(5), it will be mounted.  'unkown serial' is
what the partitions used in a softraid device list use, when -v is added
to bioctl -i.

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