On 2011-11-03, Bentley, Dain <dbent...@nas.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I recently stood up an OpenBSD server to replace and older ASA.  I read the
> faq and was interested in the packet tagging aspect because I have a DMZ and
> it makes the rule set seem more readable to my brain..
> In any case I have the following taken from the PF faqs on the OpenBSD
> website...

There are quite possibly some remaining glitches in the FAQ after
converting the translation rules over to using nat-to.

> _int = "re0"
> _ext = "fxp1"
> int_net = ""
> pass out on $_ext tag LAN_NAT_TO_INET tagged LAN_TO_INET nat-to ($_ext)
> pass in on $_int from $int_net tag LAN_TO_INET
> ......
> pass out quick on $_ext tagged LAN_NAT_TO_INET

Packets are tagged as the ruleset is traversed, so at the time
the "nat-to" rule is handled, the packet has not yet been tagged
(this also explains why your alternative config file does work).

Try reversing the rules:

> pass in on $_int from $int_net tag LAN_TO_INET
> pass out on $_ext tag LAN_NAT_TO_INET tagged LAN_TO_INET nat-to ($_ext)
> pass out quick on $_ext tagged LAN_NAT_TO_INET

Let me know if this helps and I'll swap them in the faq.

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