On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Tobias Crefeld <t...@cataneo.eu> wrote:
> Running a pair of OpenBSD-4.8-boxes as NAT-Firewall between public
> Internet and some Linux-webservers in a DMZ basically works fine so far.
> But this week a client enabled RFC-1323 and his http/https-access to our
> webservers didn't work any more and all he got was an
> ICMP-unreachable with un-NATed source-address. As a workaround he
> provisionally disabled this option.
> There is of course the other workaround to switch off
> tcp-windowsscaling, etc. on every box but I hope to find a
> configuration that it works through the NAT-box.
> I read some papers on OpenBSD's website but I'm still a bit confused
> about all those scrub- and state-control-rules (with and without
> renumbering), so it seems to be the right time for another testbed.
> Problem: How can I simulate an http/https-access with enabled
> RFC-1323-options?

The issue of TCP window scaling for pf is well explained in  the
section "Create TCP states on the initial SYN packet"

>From my OpenBSD desktop using firefox  :

$ sudo pfctl -vvss

  [2051800193 + 46464] wscale 0  [2773829936 + 16384] wscale 6

all tcp ->       FIN_WAIT_2:FIN_WAIT_2
  [2631730358 + 7808] wscale 0  [3474674542 + 16384] wscale 7


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