On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 02:25:06AM +1100, John Tate wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:20 PM, Scott McEachern <sc...@blackstaff.ca> wrote:
> > On 12/01/11 02:28, John Tate wrote:
> >
> >> I think I've found a bug in the OpenBSD crowd. They bug the hell out of me
> >> and my little mistakes.
> >>
> >> I am not talking about people who actually have a solution, but I can't
> >> seem to ask anything on this list without parrots coming along picking on
> >> me. I think some people just hang out here because it's the most anal
> >> bunch
> >> of hackers ever, in recorded history. What are your experiences?
> >>
> >
> I'm 24 years old. I was a Linux hacker since I was 13. I am a bit of a guru
> and do my own Kerberos and such on an all BSD/Linux network. OpenBSD and
> Debian Linux. I love OpenBSD, I'm a bit weird because I use bash. I can put
> up with being made fun of. At 13 I didn't just start learning Linux I
> started learning C++ as well. I failed to apprehend it properly at that
> age, but at an older age I relearned it well. I am the guru sort of guy, I
> know a hell of a lot but I'm still connecting it and in that sense still
> learning.

Psyche-shatteringly awesome troll has massive balls, but is still a troll.

News at 11.

> >
> >> Is it true that occasionally we attract people who either love bullying or
> >> are just lazy and pretending to be one of the clever?
> >>
> > Well I get messages that are worthless and seem to be insults.
> >
> >> It just figures some of these people sit on the list, and email you poorly
> >> researched crap with no answers contain.
> >>
> >> If you hate a question, it truly doesn't belong, bug me.
> >>
> >> But if you just can't answer a question, ignore it.
> >>
> >> John Tate.
> >>
> >> Note: Yes, it's not my list.
> >>
> >>
> > John, if you don't mind, I'll give you some advice:  Do your homework
> > before posting to the list.  Your basic instinct is to click "Send" instead
> > of thinking first.  I've lost count of how many of your posts were
> > retracted by yourself, with a big "oops, my bad" or were replied to with
> > RTFM-type responses.  I got a kick out of one retraction where you said
> > something like "Sorry, I was drunk."
> >
> > You're obviously new here.  Sure, it's a tough crowd at times, but that
> > only happens when people don't bother reading the FAQ, or the man pages, or
> > trying things out for themselves.  A lot of people have asked "stupid"
> > questions or said something "dumb" -- myself included -- and got painful
> > responses.  I've had my share of facepalm experiences and had my ass handed
> > to me plenty of times, but I deserved it.
> >
> > But you know what?  I try to not make a regular occasion of it.  It seems
> > you do.
> >
> > I help a lot of people off-list, and I know for a fact many others do the
> > same.  I've found through years of experience there are two kinds of people
> > on this list: those that need a little help and pointed in the right
> > direction, and those that need their hands held for every step.  Guess
> > which category I put you in?  And that's exactly why I've helped you a
> > grand total of zero times.
> >
> > Now you have the gall to come on this list and insult the people that are
> > trying to help you.  I don't think there's anyone on this list that sits
> > idly, waiting for an opportunity to "pick on" or "bully" someone.  Get a
> > grip, get some thicker skin, and most of all, RTFM first.
> >
> > I guarantee that if you take my advice, you'll find this list to be a
> > very, very valuable resource.  Remember, there is a difference between
> > *reading* and *comprehension*.  Work a little harder on the latter and I
> > think you'll find you won't be "picked on".
> >
> > Stop playing the victim.  You're not the first and it's old.
> >
> > --
> > Scott McEachern
> >
> > https://www.blackstaff.ca
> >
> >
> -- 
> www.johntate.org

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