On 2011-12-14, percy piper <piper.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is anyone using OpenBSD as the 'front-end' router on a UK fibre (FTTC)
> broadband circuit?

Yes, running it on an Atom-based system at a customer, works great.
(It's a bit much for an alix/soekris 5501).

> We are due to start trialling a 100Mb FTTC broadband and hope to use
> an OpenBSD box as the first stage router (i.e. to replace what the
> Home Hub would normally do). We know the presentation (from BT) is
> ethernet and we will need to use PPPoE. I guess kernel pppoe(4) is the
> preferred choice over userland pppoe(8), is that assumption correct?

Yes use pppoe(4) unless you have a specific need for 1500 MTU (probably
only available on AAISP anyway), in which case some diffs were posted to
support that in pppoe(8), check the list archives if you need that.
(I'm not in a position to test this myself, the only FTTC connection
I have access to can't be experimented with).

> Despite much searching we have not found any mention of others having
> tried this. Can that really be the case or are we rubbish at searching
> archives, google etc.?
> We will have a block of 8 ipv4 addresses and native ipv6. Userland
> pppoe(8) mentions ipv6 support but pppoe(4) does not. Neither mention
> configuring for a routable block of ipv4.

pppoe(4) supports ipv6 just fine. Not using that with FTTC but I am
for 21cn and 20cn ipstream ADSL at various places.

Various ways you can do it. At one location I've just got the
v6 addresses on inside interfaces and leaving the pppoe* with just
the autoconfigured addresses, the only v6-related thing in
the various hostname.pppoe* is to set the default route/s:

!route add -inet6 -mpath default -ifp pppoe1 fe80::1
!route add -inet6 -mpath default -ifp pppoe2 fe80::1
!route add -inet6 -mpath default -ifp pppoe3 fe80::1

(yeah there are a few lines, aaisp load balancing is great when
you have a bunch of ADSLs running at around the distance limit ;)

At home I'm doing this on pppoe0:

inet6 2001:4b10:1002:ff::1
!/sbin/route add -inet6 default 2001:4b10:1002:ff::1

and again putting addresses on the inside interfaces of course.

> I see also npppd but as it's not (yet) being built by default I assume
> it's not considered ready.

npppd is used for server side not client side.

> If anyone has done any of this or has any hints or tips I would love
> to hear about it.
> Thanks all,
> Percy.

Top tip with pppoe(4): if you set 'ifconfig pppoe0 debug' while you're
working out any connection issues don't forget to turn it off again with
'ifconfig pppoe0 -debug' afterwards. :-)

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