On 2011-12-19, Richard Thornton <thornton.rich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do a simple clean 5.0 install.  One would assume any browser package in the
> packages folder would install. None do for me on sparc, but with a clean
> 4.9 install all 4.9 packages install.  I am not a Unix specialist by any
> means but I do know how to type pkg_add .

Please send a mail to ports@ detailing exactly what you are doing (what
you're typing, what PKG_PATH is set to if you're using it, the contents
of /etc/pkg.conf if you're using that) and what output you see.

This is the first I've heard of any major problem with 5.0 release
packages on any arch, if there is a problem obviously we need to know
what went wrong so we can avoid it happening in future, but before
digging into that we need to first rule out incorrect procedure.

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