On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:28:57 +0100
Marian Hettwer wrote:

> Try to look from a different angle here.
> Say, you would have an old Debian Sarge release (years old) and you 
> would approach a debian mailing list with "something is weird with 
> locate", pretty sure you would get a lot of advises to upgrade first, 
> test then, and if problem persists, come back.

>From the blogs I've read where this happens it's far harsher than that,
due to the bugs in Linux.

Something like

"what the fsck are you doing running a system that old your a danger to
the internet. It's people like you that.."

I've never seen a come back like "why's this Linux kernel such a danger
to the world in just 2 months then?, every router on this street is
running a > year old firmware! and the current firmware released 4
weeks ago has 2 critical bugs described as 'just another bug'" I'd love
to see the replies if any to that.

But this is OpenBSD and I assume your just running a simple firewall or
on a closed network or know your systems services are "known bug" free.

I'm surprised you've had so much help. Personally and If I had time I'd
want to find out the problem but I'd be wiping and reinstalling from
scratch anyway, especially with an unknown cause. Of course having
install scripts makes that decision much easier. It shouldn't be hard
to copy your configs off, just make a root drive backup first in case
you miss something. Surely faster than reading the upgrade guides for
7 releases.

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