Am 12.01.12 00:13, schrieb Philip Guenther:
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Marian Hettwer<>  wrote:
([foobar@bistromath]<~>)$ time sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb

Ah, but that's *not* how locate.updatedb is invoked by the cronjob!
There's a reason I called out the need to mimic that when trying to
replicate the problem while walking through locate.updatedb

[root@bistromath] <~> # /bin/sh /etc/weekly

Rebuilding locate database:

Rebuilding whatis databases:
[root@bistromath] <~> # echo $?

still on OpenBSD 4.0.
And /etc/weekly looks like a reasonable easy straight forward shell script. (I would expect nothing else in OpenBSD).


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