Well I applied this patch to my own kernel(s):

However I don't know anything about the internals of OpenBSD. By
applying this patch to I actually prevent untrusted users from
obtaining this information? Or do I merely obscure their ability to
obtain this information?

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 02, 2012, Paul Dejean wrote:
>> I'll start working on a patch (even though it'll take me forever) if I
>> can be confident it wouldn't be vetoed because people don't like the
>> concept.
> It shouldn't take long at all.  You are looking for the
> sysctl_proc_args function in sys/kern/kern_sysctl.c.  That said, I
> don't think the idea is super popular.

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