On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Anonymous <cri...@ecn.org> wrote:
> PLEASE check the Solaris HCL and possible zfs-disc...@opensolaris.org before
> building a file server. If you pick the wrong components, ZFS will hurt you
> badly. If you pick the right components you will be so happy.

This I know well - I was left with a file server that maxed out at
12MB/sec.  Oh, and a dead hard drive which Seagate were more than
happy to replace.

There is a prebuilt appliance by the name of EON - it was based on
OpenSolaris before Oracle killed it, now it's based on
OpenIndiana/Illumos.  There is a very good starting guide to get you
on your way, with CIFS shares and the like.  Instructions are quite
similar to do NFS exports, even iSCSI if you're that way inclined.

But as Mr. Anon says, choose your hardware carefully.  Getting it
wrong can be disastrous.  My EON-based file server is a Core2Duo 6400
w/ 4GB RAM on a Gigabyte G41MT-ES2L and 4 2TB WD Green drives which
collectively pull 177MB/sec, though the onboard Realtek NIC maxes out
at 88MB/sec it still beats the shtick out of the 12MB/sec I was
getting before.

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