On 2012-02-15, David Vasek <va...@fido.cz> wrote:
> In contrast, Marco, as the author of softraid(4), says the opposite about 
> use of fdisk, even on the physical disks. And what he says is more recent 
> than the example in the softraid(4) man page.
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=128847054226289&w=2
> My thought is that MBR partition (DOS partition) is only needed for 
> compatibility with other OS's in case they come in touch with the disk. 
> And probability of such encounter in case of softraid disks and vnd's 
> is... quite low at best.

Not certain but isn't the fdisk partition needed in order that you can
boot from them? (Bootable softraid appeared after that post, of course).

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