On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Morten Christensen
<morten_b_christen...@me.com> wrote:
> Am I the only one wanting the tone to be polite and friendly among friends?
> I think the only reason why Tomas Bodzar didn't snap the head of Theo or at
least tried to is because every booting OpenBSD on earth start by says
dera...@i386.openbsd.org - no small accomplishment - hats off!
> I started my morning reading all these ugly words thrown at each other and
really hated it, made my morning drive to work wondering why a creator of
something so beautiful had to throw such words at others - lawyer etc....
> I'm not judging who's wrong or right in this particularly case - I just
think that creators and users of the worlds most fantastic OS should have more
patience with each other and address each other politely.
> Please continue the "fight" / debate !

That was not fight ;-) You need to know Theo or at least follow his
posts for a longer time. He had right points in his reactions to me
and I know it and respect it. I don't agree with everything, but
that's purpose of debate.

What's most important I don't think that OpenBSD will be such a superb
piece of SW if Theo will be "sweet" against everyone :-)

PS: When he said that I'm in good position to become lawyer I really
started laughing a lot because it was used in a way that you must
laugh if you're not focused too much on ego. Because it was clean
sample of theo.c :-)

> Kind reagards
> Morten Bech Christensen
> Aarup, Denmark
> Den 05/03/2012 kl. 07.25 skrev Theo de Raadt:
>>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
>>>>>>> But again. OpenBSD tried at least two times before to apply, but was
>>>>>>> not accepted by Google
>>>>>> That is false.
>>>>>> We were approached by Google "people" to participate, but we can
>>>>>> find noone in our project who will accept signing their contract.
>>>>>> We told them that was a problem. B They chose not to find a way
>>>>>> around the problem.
>>>>>> That is not the same as what you said, so what you said was false,
>>>>>> yes, what you said was a lie.
>>>>> So probably Kenneth lie as well
>>>>> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=120661469904489&w=2 ;-) But I don't
>>>>> think so.
>>>> The OpenBSD Foundation is not the same thing as the OpenBSD Project.
>>> I know that difference very well. Snippet from web page "While the
>>> foundation works in close cooperation with the developers of these
>>> wonderful free software projects, it is a separate entity. " Similar
>>> foundations are used because of taxes(mostly) like
>>> http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/donations.html . But people are same
>>> and any question in archives of misc@ was always targeted to those
>>> people. To get info if OpenBSD applied and if not then why or if yes
>>> then why it was not accepted. Of course you or any other developer are
>>> not supposed to answer as this is your project and you do it for fun
>>> or whatever and we use it because it's close enough to our needs.
>>>> If you are that uneducated, you should perhaps not speak.
>>> I will be expert in coffin :-) People learn by mistakes a lot of time
>>> so that's why I'm still learning and don't think that I kn
>>> everything. Reason why I answered see above.
>> That is complete balony and you know it. B The question came down to
>> who would sign the google paperwork "for OpenBSD". B The Project
>> cannot. B The Foundation cannot, either. B In the end noone could accept
>> it. B The personal liability was too great. B Unlike other projects out
>> there, OpenBSD is not a company able to assume risk and ignore the
>> consequences.
>> Google didn't decide against allowing OpenBSD to join their program.
>> They tried to trap us with legalize, and we didn't take the bait of
>> assuming that their legalize is just meaningless words.
>> The rest of what you are saying is wordy mumbo jumbo.
>> You should become a lawyer. B You've got some of the skills already.

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