On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Chris Zakelj <c.zak...@ieee.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 4:50 AM, Stefan Sieg <stefan.s...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> On 2012-03-27 17:00, Chris Zakelj wrote:
>>> Overview... because something between my laptop and home has a nasty
>>> habit
>>> of eating IM messages, I'm trying to get talkd(8) running so I can use
>>> SSH
>>> to talk with family while away.  However, something's not right.  Base
>>> info:
>>> $ uname -a
>>> OpenBSD zzzz.dyndns.org 4.4 GENERIC#1021 i386
>>>  (yes, I know it's old... I just haven't seen any errata that affect what
>>> I'm doing)
>>> $ cat /etc/inetd.conf | grep ntalk
>>> ntalk           dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/libexec/ntalkd
>>> ntalkd
>>> $ netstat -a | grep talk
>>> udp        0      0  *.ntalk                *.*
>>> $ who
>>> czakelj  ttyp0    Mar 27 10:11   (w.x.y.z)
>>> testuser    ttyp1    Mar 27 10:13   (w.x.y.z)
>>> $ talk testuser
>>> .
>>> .
>>> -------
>>> .
>>> .
>>> talk: Couldn't bind to control socket: Can't assign requested address
>>> $
>>> So near as I can tell, ntalk(8) is being started at boot, it is running,
>>> but something won't let it connect with itself.  pf(4) is NOT running on
>>> this box (the firewall is upstream).  Suggestions?
>> do you have a proper entry in /etc/hosts ?
> $ cat /etc/hosts
> #       $OpenBSD: hosts,v 1.11 2002/09/26 23:35:51 krw Exp $
> #
> # Host Database
> #
> # RFC 1918 specifies that these networks are "internal".
> #
> #
> #
> #
> ::1 localhost.my.domain localhost
> localhost.my.domain localhost
> ::1 anubis.my.domain anubis
> anubis.my.domain anubis
> Attempting all variations of "talk user@anubis", and "talk user@localhost"
> also results in the "Couldn't bind" error.
Wanted to put my resolution in here since Stephan's hosts note got me
looking at other names, and it'll (hopefully) help list searches... in a
former life, this was my public facing webserver.

$ cat /etc/myname

appended " oldname.dyndns.org oldname" to /etc/hosts, and now it's
working perfectly.

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