
I have an OpenBSD box acting as a NATting firewall. It has 59 CARP interfaces defined, all identical apart from the IP address and vhid. At the moment there is no failover pair, so all the interfaces are in MASTER mode.

Every so often, one of these interfaces will suddenly stop answering ARP requests. With tcpdump I can see the ARP requests coming in, but they are never answered. ifconfig output for the interface is no different to any of the other CARP instances; most notably, it is still in MASTER mode. I have net.inet.carp.log set to 7, but nothing is logged when this happens: no state changes, no other messages.

Recovery is simple: I just 'ifconfig carpxx down; ifconfig carpxx up'. The interface recovers in a second or two.

I had this problem with 4.9-stable, and today I migrated the config to a fresh 5.0-stable installation with the same results.

Any help much appreciated!

- Ian

Ian Chard, Systems Architect   |  E: ian.ch...@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
Bodleian Libraries             |  T:      80587 / (01865) 280587
University of Oxford           |  F:              (01865) 242287

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