On 3-4-2012 11:13, Ian Chard wrote:
> I have an OpenBSD box acting as a NATting firewall.  It has 59 CARP
> interfaces defined, all identical apart from the IP address and vhid. At
> the moment there is no failover pair, so all the interfaces are in
> MASTER mode.
> Every so often, one of these interfaces will suddenly stop answering ARP
> requests.  With tcpdump I can see the ARP requests coming in, but they
> are never answered.  ifconfig output for the interface is no different
> to any of the other CARP instances; most notably, it is still in MASTER
> mode.  I have net.inet.carp.log set to 7, but nothing is logged when
> this happens: no state changes, no other messages.
> Recovery is simple: I just 'ifconfig carpxx down; ifconfig carpxx up'.
> The interface recovers in a second or two.
> I had this problem with 4.9-stable, and today I migrated the config to a
> fresh 5.0-stable installation with the same results.
> Any help much appreciated!

I assume all your carp interfaces have the same carpdev (physical
interface) ?

I suspect you may run into this limit (in sys/netinet):
if_ether.c:             IFQ_SET_MAXLEN(&arpintrq, 50);  /* XXX hate
magic numbers */

Can you raise that number to 100 and compile a new kernel?

Alternatively, you can combine IP addresses (using "alias") on the carp
interfaces so you have less of those.


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