On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Andres Perera wrote:
>> read very slowly
>> if they don't use the following to boot:
>> * bootp (requires more than one system)
>> * a cd (requires an optical drive)
>> * a floppy (requires a floppy drive)
>> then they boot from hdd. it doesn't matter if it's usb, sata or what have you
> I think you are making a confusion between usb mass storage device and
> usd attached hdd device.

there's no distinction for the bios, which is the key part in booting
a system. on x86 it looks for specific data which is common in "mass
storage media" and hdd, *different* to cd boot and floppy boot

>> there are no official boot images for hdd. nick is aware of this, and
>> so are the rest of the developers
> Yes, they do, since there is no such thing like "images for hdd". I
> let you try to define one.

hah, dd your raw hard drive device to a usb key. you have an hdd
image. moreover, several projects either offer those, or an
alternatively crafted iso which can be used for usb boot because it
doesn't just have "el torito" boot

you are wayyyy over your head son, yet you keep insisting

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