On May 14 08:11:43, Mik J wrote: > Hello, > > After my new OpenBSD installation, I'm trying to copy data from my > backup disk and I have these errors.
[Here is where your exact command should be. Also, you should include a dmesg with hardware issues.] > wd0f: uncorrectable data error reading > fsbn 1671616960 of 1671616896-1671617023) Your backup disk is broken. > It happens with different files > that belong to different directories and it's always the number fsbn > 1671616960 or sometimes fsbn 1671616896. > > I have in previous messages that > some sectors should be dead on my hard drive and that I have to do something > so that they won't be used anymore. You might be reffering to http://caoua.org/alex/obsd/badsect.html but I am not sure if it still applies. > My first question is that I don't > understand the term fsbn. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=openbsd+fsbn Also: http://groups.google.com/group/lucky.openbsd.misc/browse_thread/thread/5baeb67634c10925/6360e75f1d55f045?lnk=st&q=uncorrectable+data+error+reading&rnum=1&pli=1 > How can I check all the disk for other bad sectors ? dd if=/dev/wrd0c of=/dev/null bs=8m