James Shupe <jshupe <at> hermetek.com> writes:

> I've been running it to peer with 3 IPv4 peers and 3 IPv6 peers (full
> views) and another partial IPv4 view with 12k routes (actually: varying
> amounts of peers over the years, but that's the current setup) since 4.5
> without needing any cron jobs to watch over it.

It looks like the issue is likely to be bgpd's interaction with ospfd. And/Or
CARP. I have CARP configured on two routers that act as gateways to one
of our upstream providers. They they speak OSPF and BGP to internal
routers and routers that peer with other remote networks. So I think
what happens is a CARP failover happens (they are quite regular for some
reason, but its never bothered me as it just works) and that causes
OSPF to change its metrics which in turn cause routing changes in BGP.
Its this propagating of events that I think is causing issues.
> nrpe and ifstated run to verify the peers are up and react accordingly,
> but they never trigger unless there is a physical or provider issue.
> OpenBGPD has been rock solid for us.

I'd be very interested to see your ifstated config and how you use
that to verify peers being up as we could do with some better
monitoring here.


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