On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:47 +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:28:47PM +0200, Mike Belopuhov wrote:
> > > My iked config looks like this:
> > > 
> > 
> > do you have a "user" specification in your iked.conf?
> > which user are you trying to authenticate as?
> > "user" specification occupies a separate line and looks
> > like that:
> > 
> > user "username" "password"
> > 
> > iked can't consult the local password database or radius
> > or any other authentication service at the moment except
> > this internal "database".
> Yes I do have a user entry, right at the top.  I didn't think posting
> it was a good idea.
> > also, have you tried w/o mschap? you need to select the
> > "Computerzertifikate verwenden" radio button to turn eap off.
> I tried that but it had an error, which made me want to try EAP again.
> > > ikev2 "win7" passive esp \
> > >         from to local any peer any \
> > >         srcid \
> > >         eap "mschap-v2" \
> > >         config address \
> > >         config name-server \
> > >         tag "$name-$id"
> > > 
> > 
> > looks fine except of absent of the "user" specification.
> > i'd ditch the "tag" though as i didn't test it but it shouldn't
> > affect anything.
> Hmm.  What to do... Any hint on how to debug this best?

try to verify that certificates are installed correctly on windows
and are valid.  make sure you didn't install them by doubleclicking
(as i initially wrote) but imported them via mmc into the right
section (under Komputerkonto).

try to change "to" to something like "to",
where you can assign to lo1.

make sure that certificates were created by commands like:

 ikectl ca <CA> certificate create

and host using FQDN.  srcid must match that otherwise windows
refuses to connect.

and at last, please provice output from the iked -dvv.


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