> iirc one reason the EINVAL on mount can occur is with an unclean
> ext2/3 filesystem. Could that be the case here?

Yes, but it should only have been the case on the 2nd install (2 of 3).

After I copied the boot file from the installation directory to the ext2
partition I had created for booting from, I neglected to unmount the
partition since I ASSumed OBSD would unmount all mounted filesystems during
a halt. I forgot that iirc OpenBSD only unmounts mounted filesystems that
are in fstab. I did remember to unmount it by the time the 3rd installation
ran and perhaps that is why it didn't give me that message when I installed
the same snapshot again. I don't know why it happened the first two times.

Running on snapshot, I built a package for Mutt from ports and it took a
very long time. I'd like to know how much of that is due to the slow
console. Are you building with output redirection? At the end the package
failed to install with the same library errors I listed before. However,
make install seems to have worked. I haven't verified Mutt is working
100%, I'll do that later (now I am posting from another system). I'm
building Emacs now and when it finishes I'll be able to verify Mutt works as
it did on 5.1.

Given there aren't too many Fuloongs around and we all have to build
packages for the apps we want, is there any way to contribute packages we
have built?

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